熊本大学 大学院生命科学研究部 知覚生理学教室
熊本大学 大学院生命科学研究部 知覚生理学教室 Department of Sensory and Cognitive Physiology

Japanese English
生理学用語ハンドブック (執筆分担)、丸善出版
Dissection of insular cortex layer 5 reveals two sublayers with opposing modulatory roles in appetitive drinking behavior.
Takemoto M, Kato S, Kobayashi K, Song W-J.
iScience,26,106985,2023. doi:10.1016/j.isci.2023.106985
Neurochemical properties for defining subdivisions of the medial geniculate body.
Tomioka R, Takemoto M, Song W-J.
Hearing Research,(2023)431:108724).doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2023.108724.
Temporal profiles of neuronal responses to repeated tone stimuli in the mouse primary auditory cortex.
Zhou B, Tomioka R, Song W-J.
Hearing Research, (2023)430:108710. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2023.108710.
中外医学社Clinical Neurosci, 2023, 41(6):781-785.
Region-dependent millisecond time-scale sensitivity in spectrotemporal integrations in guinea pig primary auditory cortex.
Nishimura M, Song W-J.
Neuroscience (2022)480:229-245.doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2021.10.030.
第28章 聴覚中枢神経系による情報処理
カンデル神経科学、第2版(Principles of Neural Science, Sixth Edition)、MEDSi社
Postnatal development of subfields in the core region of the mouse auditory cortex.
Chen F, Takemoto M, Nishimura M, Tomioka R, Song W-J.
Hearing Research (2021)400:108138.doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2020.108138.
Differential cortical and subcortical projection targets of subfields in the core region of mouse auditory cortex.
Nakata S, Takemoto M, Song W-J.
Hearing Research (2020)386:107876. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2019.107876.
Tsukushi is essential for the development of the inner ear.
Toru Miwa, Kunimasa Ohta, Naofumi Ito, Satoko Hattori, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa, Toru Takeo, Naomi Nakagata, Wen-Jie Song & Ryosei Minoda.
Mol Brain (2020)13, 29.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13041-020-00570-z.
Dynamic changes of timing precision in timed actions during a behavioural task in guinea pigs.
Nishimura M, Wang C, Shu R, Song W-J.
Scientific Reports (2020)10:20079. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-76953-y
Cue-dependent safety and fear learning in a discriminative auditory fear conditioning paradigm in the mouse.
Takemoto M, Song W-J.
Learning & Memory (2019)26(8):284-290. doi: 10.1101/lm.049577.119.
Mice deficient in protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type Z (PTPRZ) show reduced responsivity to methamphetamine despite an enhanced response to novelty.
Fujikawa A, Noda Y, Yamamoto H, Tanga N, Sakaguchi G, Hattori S, Song W-J, Sora I, Nabeshima T, Katsuura G, Noda M.
PLoS ONE (2019)14(8):e0221205. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0221205

Organization of auditory areas in the superior temporal gyrus of marmoset monkeys revealed by real-time optical imaging.
Nishimura M, Takemoto M, Song W-J.
Brain Structure and Function (2018)223(4), 1599-1614. doi: 10.1007/s00429-017-1574-0
A novel role of the antitumor agent tricyclodecan-9-yl-xanthogenate as an open channel blocker of KCNQ1/KCNE1.
Meikui Wu,Makoto Takemoto,Huan Luo,Jian-Jun Xu,Mei-Hong Lu,Masaki Kameyama,Toru Takumi,Wen-Jie Song.
Eur J Pharmacology (2018)824:99-107. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2018.02.013.
Comparison of the Upper Marginal Neurons of Cortical Layer 2 with Layer 2/3 Pyramidal Neurons in Mouse Temporal Cortex.
Luo H, Hasegawa K, Liu MS, Song W-J.
Front Neuroanat, (2017)11:115.doi: 10.3389/fnana.2017.00115
Regulation of membrane KCNQ1/KCNE1 channel density by sphingomyelin synthase 1.
Wu MK, Takemoto M, Taniguchi M, Takumi T, Okazaki T, Song W-J.
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 2016, 311(1):C15-23. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00272.2015.
Identification of the somatosensory parietal ventral area and overlap of the somatosensory and auditory cortices in mice.
Nishimura M, Sawatari H, Takemoto M, Song WJ.
Neurosci Res, 2015 99:55-61.
Greenwood frequency-position relationship in the primary auditory cortex in guinea pigs.
Nishimura M, Song W-J.
NeuroImage, 2014, 89:181-191.
The insular auditory field receives input from the lemniscal subdivision of the auditory thalamus in mice.
Takemoto M, Hasegawa K, Nishimura M, Song W-J.
J Comp Neurol, 2014, 522(6):1373–1389.
第31章 聴覚中枢神経系
カンデル神経科学(Principles of Neural Science, Fifth Edition)、MEDSi社
周波数地図  聴覚野
Temporal sequence of visuo-auditory interaction in multiple areas of the guinea pig visual cortex.
Nishimura M, Song W-J.
PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(9): e46339.
Deficiency of sphingomyelin synthase-1 but not sphingomyelin synthase-2 causes hearing impairments in mice.
*Lu M-H, *Takemoto M, Watanabe K, Luo H, Nishimura M, Yano M, Tomimoto H, Okazaki T, Oike Y, Song W-J.
The Journal of Physiology, 2012, 590(Pt 16):4029-44. (*: co-first author)
Thalamus-derived molecules promote survival and dendritic growth of developing cortical neurons.
Sato H, Fukutani Y, Yamamoto Y, Tatara E, Takemoto M, Shimamura K, Yamamoto N.
The Journal of Neuroscience, 2012, 32(44):15388-402.
Auditory cortex in guinea pigs: subfield organization and functional domains.
Song W-J, Nishimura M, Saitoh K.
Pp. 73-82 in "Auditory Cortex: Anatomy, Functions and Disorders", ed: Mounya Elhilali, 2012, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Practical methods for suppressing random and nonrandom noise in fluorescence imaging.
Song W-J, Nishimura M, Takemoto M.
In "Optical Imaging: Technology, Methods and Applications ", eds: Akira Tanaka & Botan Nakamura, 2012, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Identification and characterization of an insular auditory field in mice.
*Sawatari H, *Tanaka Y, Takemoto M, Nishimura M, Hasegawa K, Saitoh K, Song W-J.
Eur J Neurosci, 2011, 34(12):1944-52. (*: co-first author)
A train of electrical pulses applied to the primary auditory cortex evokes a conditioned response in guinea pigs.
Okuda Y, Shikata H, Song W-J.
Neurosci Res, 2011, 71:103-6.
Voltage-gated K+ channel KCNQ1 regulates insulin secretion in MIN6 beta-cell line.
Yamagata K, Senoguchi T, Lu M-H, Takemoto M, Karim F, Go C, Sato Y, Hatta M, Yoshizawa T, Araki E, Miyazaki J, Song W-J.
Biochem Biophys Res Comm 2011, 407(3):620-5.
Mitochondrial dysfunction and increased reactive oxygen species impair insulin secretion in sphingomyelin synthase 1 null mice.
Yano M, Watanabe K, Yamamoto T, Ikeda K, Senokuchi T, Lu M, Kadomatsu T, Tsukano H, Ikawa M, Okabe M, Yamaoka S, Okazaki T, Umehara H, Gotoh T, Song WJ, Node K, Taguchi R, Yamagata K, Oike Y.
J Biol Chem 2011,286(5):3992-4002.
Laminar and areal expression of unc5d and its role in cortical cell survival.
Makoto Takemoto, Yuki Hattori, Hong Zhao, Haruka Sato, Atsushi Tamada, Shinji Sasaki, Kazunori Nakajima and Nobuhiko Yamamoto.
Cerebral Cortex 2011, 21(8):1925-34.
中外医学社Clinical Neurosci, 2011, 29(12):1401-1404.
Spontaneous activity resembling tone-evoked activity in the primary auditory cortex of guinea pigs.
Saitoh K, Inagaki S, Nishimura M, Kawaguchi H, Song W-J.
Neurosci Res. 2010, 68:107-113.
Nucleocytoplasmic translocation of HDAC9 regulates gene expression and dendritic growth in developing cortical neurons.
Sugo N, Oshiro H, Takemura M, Kobayashi T, Kohno Y, Uesaka N, Song W-J, Yamamoto N.
Eur J Neurosci, 2010, 31:1521-1532.
New field with tonotopic organization in Guinea pig auditory cortex.
Nishimura M, Shirasawa H, Kaizo H, Song W-J,
J Neurophysiol 2007, 97(1):927-32.[PubMed]
Cortical intrinsic circuits can support activity propagation through an isofrequency strip of the guinea pig primary auditory cortex.
Song W-J, Kawaguchi H, Totoki S, Inoue Y, Katura T, Maeda S, Inagaki S, Shirasawa H, Nishimura M
Cerebral Cortex 16(2006)718-729.
Er81 is expressed in a subpopulation of layer 5 neurons in rodent and primate neocortices.
Hiroyuki Yoneshima, Shinsuke Yamasaki, Courtney C J Voelker, Zoltan Molnar, Elodie Christophe, Etienne Audinat, Makoto Takemoto, Maki Nishiwaki, Shinji Tsuji, Ichiro Fujita, Nobuhiko Yamamoto
Neuroscience, 2006, 137:401-412.
A light-emitting-diode light source for imaging of neural activities with voltage-sensitive dyes.
Nishimura M, Shirasawa H, Song W-J
Neurosci Res 54(2006)230-234.[PubMed]
Before 2006
Nonlinear and noisy extension of independent component analysis: Theory and its application to a pitch sensation model.
Maeda S, Song W-J, Ishii S
Neural Computation 17(2005)115-144. [PubMed]
Conductance-based model of the voltage-dependent generation of a plateau potential in subthalamic neurons.
Otsuka T, Abe T, Tsukagawa T, Song W-J
J Neurophysiol 92(2004)255-264. [PubMed]
Identification of the genes that are expressed in the upper layers of the neocortex.
Yun Zhong, Makoto Takemoto, Tsuyoshi Fukuda, Yuki Hattori, Fujio Murakami, Daisuke Nakajima, Manabu Nakayama, Nobuhiko Yamamoto
Cerebral Cortex, 2004,14:1144-1152.
Isolation of neural activity from respiratory and heartbeat noises for in vivo optical recordings using independent component analysis.
Inagaki S, Katura T, Kawaguchi H, and Song W-J
Neurosci Lett 352 (2003) 9-12. [PubMed]
Dopamine D4 receptor-induced postsynaptic inhibition of GABAergic currents in mouse globus pallidus neurons.
Shin R-M, Masuda M, Miura M, Sano H, Shirasawa T, Song W-J, Kobayashi K, and Aosaki T
J Neurosci 23(37) (2003) 11662-11672. [PubMed]
Rundown of a transient potassium current is attributable to change in channel voltage-dependence.
Hattori S, Murakami F, and Song W-J
Synapse 48(2003)57-65. [PubMed]
Quantitative relationship between between Kv4.2 mRNA and A-type potassium current in rat striatal cholinergic interneurons during postnatal development.
Hattori S, Murakami F, and Song W-J
J Neurophysiol 90(2003)175-183. [PubMed]
Nigral GABAergic inhibition upon cholinergic neurons in the rat pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus.
Saitoh K, Hattori S, Song W-J, Isa T and Takakusaki K
Eur J Neurosci 18(2003)879-886. [PubMed]
Ephrin-B3-EphA4 interactions regulate the growth of specific thalamocortical axon populations in vitro.
Makoto Takemoto, Tsuyoshi Fukuda, Rie Sonoda, Fujio Murakami, Hideaki Tanaka, Nobuhiko Yamamoto
European Journal of Neuroscience, 2002, 16:1168-1172.
Genes responsible for native depolarization-activated K+ currents in neurons.
Song W-J
Neurosci Res 42:7-14, 2002. [PubMed]
Separation of signal and noise from in vivo optical recordings using independent component analysis.
Maeda S, Inagaki S, Kawaguchi H, and Song W-J
Neurosci Lett 302(2001)137-140. [PubMed]
Excitatory postsynatic potentials trigger a plateau potential in rat subthalamic neurons at hyperpolarized states.
Otsuka T, Murakami F, and Song W-J
J Neurophysiol 86(2001)1816-1825. [PubMed]
Characterization of Ca2+ channels in rat subthalamic nucleus neurons.
Song W-J, Baba Y, Otsuka T, Murakami F
J Neurophysiol 84(2000)2630-2637. [PubMed]
Adenosine receptor expression and modulation of Ca2+ channels in rat striatal cholinergic interneurons.
Song W-J, Tkatch T, Surmeier DJ
J Neurophysiol 83(1):322-332, 2000. [PubMed]
Unique properties of R-type calcium currents in neocortical and neostriatal neurons.
Foehring RC, Mermelstein PG, Song W-J, Ulrich S, Surmeier, DJ
J Neurophysiol 84(2000)2225-2236. [PubMed]
Properties of Q-type calcium channels in neostriatal and cortical neurons are correlated with beta subunit expression.
Mermelstein PG, Foehring RC, Tkatch T, Song W-J, Baranauskas G, and Surmeier DJ
J Neurosci 19(17):7268-7277, 1999. [PubMed]
Evidence for the preferential localization of glutamate receptor-1 subunit of AMPA receptors to the dendritic spines of medium spiny neurons in rat striatum.
Chen Q, Veeman L, Knopp K, Yan Z, Medina L, Song W-J, Surmeier DJ and Reiner A
Neurosci 83:749-761, 1998. [PubMed]
Inwardly rectifying potassium (irk) currents are correlated with irk subunit expression in rat nucleus accumbens medium spiny neurons.
Mermelstein PG, Song W-J, Tkatch T, Yan Z, and Surmeier DJ
J Neurosci 18:6650-6661, 1998. [PubMed]
DARPP-32: Regulator of the efficacy of dopaminergic neurotransmission.
Fienberg AA, Hiroi N, Mermelstein PG, Song W-J, Snyder GL, Nishi A, Cheramy A, O'Callaghan JP, Miller DB, Cole DG, Corbett R, Haile CN, Cooper DC, Onn SP, Grace AA, Ouimet CC, White FJ, Hyman SE, Surmeier DJ, Girault JA, Nestler EJ, and Greengard P
Science 281:838-842, 1998. [PubMed]
Somatodendritic depolarization-activated potassium currents in rat neostriatal cholinergic interneurons are predominantly of the A-type and attributable to co-expression of Kv4.2 and Kv4.1 subunits.
Song W-J, Tkatch T, Baranauskas G, Ichinohe N, Kitai S, Surmeier DJ
J Neurosci 18:3124-3137, 1998. [PubMed]
Development of functional topography in the corticorubral projection: An in vivo assessment using synaptic potentials recorded from fetal and newborn cats.
Song W-J and Murakami F
J Neurosci 18:9354-9364, 1998. [PubMed]
Yan Y, Vrana S, Vrana K, Song W-J, Surmeier DJ.
The application of RT-PCR techniques to the analysis of mRNA in tissue and single cells.
in "Receptor localization: Laboratory methods and procedures". ed. Ariano MA. J Wiley & Sons, 1997.
Surmeier DJ, Yan Z, Song W-J.
Coordinated expression of dopamine receptors in neostriatal medium spiny neurons.
in Catecholamines: Bridging basic science with clinical medicine, eds. DS Goldstein, G Eisenhofer, and R. McCarty, Academic press (San Diego), 1998.
Preferential termination of corticorubral axons on spine-like dendritic protrusions in developing cat.
Saito Y, Song W-J, Murakami F
J Neurosci 17:8792-8880, 1997. [PubMed]
D2 dopamine receptors reduce N-type Ca2+ currents in rat neostriatal cholinergic interneurons through a membrane-delimited, protein-kinase-C-insensitive pathway.
Yan Z, Song W-J, Surmeier DJ
J Neurophysiol 77:1003-1015, 1997. [PubMed]
Coordinated expression of dopamine receptors in single neostriatal neurons.
Surmeier DJ, Song W-J, Yan Z
J Neurosci 16:6579-6591, 1996. [PubMed]
Voltage-dependent facilitation of calcium channels in rat neostriatal neurons.
Song W-J, Surmeier DJ
J Neurophysiol 76:2290-2306, 1996. [PubMed]
Perinatal development of action potential propagation in cat rubrospinal axons.
Song W-J, Kanda M, Okawa K, Murakami F
J Physiol (London) 488:419-426, 1995. [PubMed]
Morphology of individual axons in crossed corticorubral projections in developing cats and effects of partial denervation.
Murakami F, Nagisa Y, Saito Y, Higashi S, Katsumaru H, Kanda M and Song W-J
Dev Neurosci 17:38-46, 1995. [PubMed]
Prenatal development of cerebrorubral and cerebellorubral projections in cats.
Song W-J, Kanda M, and Murakami F
Neurosci Lett 200:41-44, 1995. [PubMed]
An electrophysiological study of a transient ipsilateral interpositorubral projection in neonatal cats.
Song W-J, Kobayashi Y and Murakami F
Exp Brain Res 92:399-406, 1993. [PubMed]
Segregation of cerebrorubral and cerebellorubral synaptic inputs on rubrospinal neurons of fetal cats as demonstrated by intracellular recording.
Song W-J, Kanda M, Okawa K, Oikawa H and Murakami F
Neurosci Lett 159:99-102, 1993. [PubMed]
Developing corticorubral axons of the cat form synapses on filopodial dendritic protrusions.
Saito Y, Murakami F, Song W-J, Okawa K, Shimono K and Katsumaru H
Neurosci Lett 147:81-84, 1992. [PubMed]
Plasticity of neuronal connections in developing brains of mammals.
Murakami F, Song W-J and Katsumaru H
Neurosci Res, 15:235-253, 1992. [PubMed]
Ipsilateral interpositorubral projection in the kitten and its relation to post-hemicerebellectomy plasticity.
Song W-J and Murakami F
Dev Brain Res 56:75-85, 1990. [PubMed]